Expert Witness Services

photo of a witness stand

Appearing as an expert witness for a client generally takes two forms. Typically, the expert will have prepared written testimony based on an economic analysis of the situation he was retained to examine. The expert may rely on facts and figures handed out at the proceeding or poster-sized exhibits. Alternatively, the expert may appear without written testimony or back-up analysis based on his knowledge of an area.

Expert witnesses may be from the firm itself or from an outside party with specialized expertise outside the scope of the firm’s experience. The firm will retain the expert as a subcontractor, and help prepare his/her analysis and testimony. The expert will modify same and sign off on it as his own as needed. The firm will prepare the expert as a witness with questions he is likely to face and how to respond.

A part of expert witness assignments may include responding to written interrogatories on his/her testimony. It may also include drafting interrogatories for opposing witnesses. It is not unusual for an expert to write responses to a hundred interrogatories or more, especially when two or more parties are involved. Some of these can be complex and require answers involving statistical analysis.

Billing for expert witness appearances is similar to billing for economic consulting services with one exception. All outstanding invoices regardless of date of issue must be brought forward and paid before any expert witness appearance.